Greenridge Cemetery Association Rules & Regulations
All lots in the Greenridge Cemetery are sold in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of New York and shall not be used for any other purposes than as a burial place for dead human beings. Cremains must also be interred. Scattering of cremains will not be allowed within the cemetery.
All persons shall be allowed access to the Cemetery during the daylight hours, observing the rules which are in effect and the propriety due to the Cemetery.
Loitering or trespassing is prohibited for people with no legitimate reason to be here. We request you call the police if you witness such acts or vandalism.
Dogs must be leashed, curbed, and litter removed from the Cemetery. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
It is not considered in good taste to have the grounds used as a playground and parents are requested not to allow children to do so.
All lot owners are requested to notify the Cemetery of changes in address. Any necessary notices shall be sent to the last recorded address and such notices shall be deemed adequate.
The full purchase price must be paid before a deed will be issued or a burial allowed on a lot.
Lot owners may not sell lots directly to another person. Approval for this is necessary from the State Cemetery Board as well as the Greenridge Cemetery Board.
The Association may require a written permissive order for the burial of any body in a lot not owned by the immediate family.
Interments on Sundays and holidays will be governed by the Cemetery Board of Directives 202.8 and 202.12
Funerals must be at the Cemetery by 1:30 pm so that workmen will have sufficient time to properly close the grave and remove equipment by 3 pm, or overtime charges will be incurred.
Graves will not be opened when frost and weather conditions warrant such refusal. Bodies received for internment during that time will be placed in the vault until Spring. Those bodies must be removed and interred by June.
Any proposed modification of existing condition of an owners lot must be brought before the Board with sketches (if applicable) in advance of any work being performed for full consideration and written approval.
The Cemetery Association reserves the right to restrict the planting of shrubs and trees and to remove any shrub or tree deemed dangerous to the public or encroaching on adjoining lots, upon due notice to lot owners.
All plantings, or other permitted articles, must be contained solely on the lot and should be located in line with, or close to, headstones so as not to interfere with lot maintenance.
The Association reserves the right to remove all flowers or other decorations as soon as they become unsightly or inappropriate.
The Greenridge Cemetery Association shall not be liable for flower containers or any other items that are missing, misplaced or broken.
Fences, curbings, benches, steps, fountains and posts are prohibited in this Cemetery except for those already existing.
All interments, care of lots, trimming, and general maintenance shall be done solely by the Association employees, or under the direction of the Superintendent and/ or the Board of Directors. Members of the immediate families may care for their own lots at their own risk and to the extent that they violate no other Cemetery regulations.
No vault or mausoleum shall be built above ground without Board of Directors’ permission, must be a minimum of seven feet in both height and width, and only in such location and materials approved. A sufficient endowment must be set up to provide adequate maintenance income.
All mausoleum interments, whether casket of cremains, shall only be performed after notification to the Cemetery Office Staff with adherence to the GCA Price List.
Concrete vaults or concrete liners are required for all interments in graves purchased after January 1,1985 in accordance with the provision of Cemetery Board Directive 202.6.
In plot G, New Addition, and all additional Plots subsequently developed, monuments are permitted, but must follow the cemetery general plan with monuments or headstones to be placed on the south side of the lot with the surname facing north. If the surname faces south, then the design shall also have the surname facing north as well. Footstones or any other markers must be at ground level and on poured concrete foundations installed by the Association and set in accordance with the Cemetery general plan.
Greenridge Cemetery Association through a vendor shall install ALL foundations.
The party requesting the foundation to be installed, when weather permits, will be notified of completion, and will be responsible for the placement of the monuments or necessary markers.
All foundations for monuments will be four feet deep or to the top of the vault for the flat markers and be one complete piece of masonry.
Corner markers will also be set by the Cemetery, do not require foundations, and are not permitted on single graves but must be set in accordance and uniformity within the Cemetery general plan.
Monuments or markers must be constructed of granite or bronze or marble. If marble the marker must be a MINIMUM of a four inch thick piece of stone. The carving must be 3/8 to ½ inch deep MINIMUM, to be legible for many generations. No delicate carvings of face, hand or foot details, as well as no wings, arms, legs or any other ornamental details.
All monuments are to be centered on the head of the lot, if appropriate.
Cremation monuments with sealed compartments for cremains will be permitted and any GCA burial charges for cremations will still be in effect.
No pre-need flat marker foundations are permitted. Marker placement may take place after pre-payment for installation after interment.
Graves are of different sizes in sections of the Cemetery. The office staff will answer any questions you have in this regard. Current lot purchase grave size is 3½‘x 10’ with 3’ x 8’ burial allowance.
Any monument dealer, or his employees, who injures the condition or appearance of any lot or pathway through carelessness or neglect, shall be responsible for repairs to such areas disturbed. Planks or boards may be used to protect against damage.
As a general rule, the length of a monument base shall not exceed 60% of the width of the lot, the surface of the monument should not exceed 15% of the superficial area of the lot and flush foot markers should not be greater than 2’ by 1’.
Any Government marker received, and held for one year without any payment for its foundation, may be disposed of by the Cemetery
*These rules and regulations may be amended by the Directors of said Greenridge Cemetery Association, but no amendments shall be effective until approved by the New York State Cemetery Board.